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  • Writer's pictureSophie Schillaci

What's In My Diaper Bag? 19 Essentials For a Babe About Town

Updated: Apr 17, 2019

You've got a milk bottle for baby and a water bottle for you -- but what else do you really need? These are the things that Everly and I never leave home without.

(FYI: I'm wearing Skip Hop's Chelsea Downtown Chic Diaper Backpack... because if there's one word I'd use to describe changing poopy diapers, it's chic. But in all seriousness, I highly recommend a backpack over a shoulder bag and this one has handy straps that can connect right to your stroller handlebar. Cute and functional!)

Many bags come with a standard mat, but I like that this one has built-in pockets for diapers and wipes. It makes finding your gear a breeze and gives you the ability to do quick changes without lugging your whole bag into, say, an airplane bathroom.

I keep about five of them in the bag at any given time.

One pack is fine.

Dropped pacis happen. (And then it happens again.) These make it better.

For any other mess you come across.

If I've learned anything from Nanny Connie, it's the power of gas drops. She also taught me that these can be a life saver in the car seat when baby is strapped in, cramped in one position and struggling to... relieve herself.

I always carry several that have different colors or patterns on them. If I drop one, I can easily identify which one is dirty when I'm reaching in for a cloth later.

I keep one rolled up in our bag as a backup blanket or nursing cover. They're always coming in handy for something or another.

Not going to lie, I just use the same bags that I use for my dogs. They do make scented baby ones, if you feel so inclined.

For quickly picking little noses (and cleaning ears).

11. Toys

Everly's go-to are a Sophie the Giraffe teether, attached to a pacifier clip for my own sanity, and a soft book or two.

You'll want to keep this in a handy, easy-to-reach pocket.

13. Lotion

Your hands are going to be mega dry from all that sanitizing.

This stuff is a cure-all and I bring it everywhere with me. (Note: The thumbnail image below is incorrect. You'll see the actual packaging when clicking through to Amazon.)

In those early days with lots of leaking, I always kept these on-hand. This brand is my favorite, as they are individually wrapped and super absorbent.

When that postpartum bleeding finally stops, there's no telling when your period may come back -- or when you might laugh or sneeze too hard and pee a little. Better prepped than sorry.

I keep two in my bag at any given time. They have saved me from sudden onset breastfeeding hunger -- or 'Oh, s**t, I forgot to feed myself' -- on numerous occasions.

If you haven't picked up on this... the diaper bag is your new purse. Congratulations.

19. Extra Clothes!!!

For baby AND YOU. You'll want 1-2 backup outfits (plus socks) for babe, depending on how long you'll be out, plus an extra pair of leggings and a tee for you in the event of spit-up, blow outs, etc.

Ev's face when I pull out that Sophie the Giraffe teether from my bag of tricks :)


Mom Needs Merlot

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